Blog post #1: Welcome and introduction

This is my fourth year at uvic, and with 7.5 units of electives left for the completion of my degree, I decided to spend my final year taking courses I genuinely enjoy and would have a substantial impact on my personal and professional life. My brother took EDCI 337 last summer and encouraged me to take it this semester because he thought it was a very insightful course. This term, I hope to learn as many soft skills as possible to use in my professional and personal life.


Interactive Media

The video below gives an in-depth example of what interactive media can look like and how far interactive media has come. I have also linked an article about interactive media to this blog post:


Interactive Multimedia :

The picture below references the animation dumbo. I used animation as an example of multimedia because it is one of the five elements of multimedia.


While researching, I found that the examples used to classify interactive multimedia and interactive media were similar. So I found a video that gives a great new fun perspective on Interactive Multimedia embedded below:

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  1. oliviacorrea 2023-01-22

    Hi Annie!! I love love love how you have set up your blog, it’s so cool! Congrats on almost graduating! One of my friends recommended this course and my brother also said I should take it. The dumbo illustration is too cute haha.

  2. bradeneng 2023-01-23

    Hi Annie! I enjoyed that article you posted – the section of usability of multimedia tools at events, used by companies as honestly a means of advertising.
    It got me thinking though about all of the sort of “online events” I heard about during covid being integrated into gaming. I recall there being a real, live recorded concert that you could join a Minecraft server to attend.
    Also media coverage of conventions being so predominant nowadays in the actual exposure of the event and how people interact with it.
    So, love the article. And relate to your purposes for taking the class 🙂

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